Posted by harley on February 01, 2001 at 00:36:24:
In Reply to: "Trevor" I'd stay out of this one posted by Red Cooley on January 31, 2001 at 22:33:19:
: This is between these guys, take my wise advice
: and stay out of this affair.
: : : did,nt you run away from the band boy and was
: afraid to tell anybody were you were. tank
: : johnson is the new drummer and he blows your
: ass away get your own website and your own
: : band chicken shits who fuck over thier band
: then realize they fucked up and try to come back
: : and be buddy buddy with the fans who don,t know
: the real story behind your cowardice should
: : just be a nice memory
: :
: : What band are you in? That's what I thought.
come on now every one can,t we all just get along can,t we all love one another like menses loving mens les has been through enough pain that sex change was hard enough. just kidding just a joke, we will all have a good time in new orleans. i just hope one of my ex wives won,t try to kill me. all out 10-4 h.d