Posted by YDSM on February 08, 2001 at 22:22:34:
In Reply to: Re: Thanks a lot, assholes posted by D.D. on February 08, 2001 at 21:01:57:
: : : I almost fucking died in the hospital on
: : Monday, and not one of you seems to give a
: flying
: : fuck. Go fuck yourselves. I hope you all
: : pneumonia and drop dead.
: : I, for one, neglected to express sympathy for
: : you, DD, for the chance you might(as you just
: : did) go off on us here. Nothing makes my day
: like
: : receiving a big "GFY" and a death wish from
: you.
: : If(when?) you do die, can I have your
: : movie/record/panty collection? I plan to soon
: : start a Diana Death fan club(just waitin' on
: : to eternally cease and desist, if ya get my
: : drift). Thanks in advance.
: : Stalking is not a Crime!
: : YDSM
: I have a strange feeling that at my wake, you
: will have to fist-fight a certain entity named
: Patrick for my undergarments! Why either of
: would be interested in owning my skivvies is
: beyond me, but frightening visions of you boys
: prancing around in them are no good at all...
Unlike Patrick, I have no desire to "prance
around in" your skivvies upon your death.
Necrophilia, although tempting, has never been my
strong suit. Skivvie-prancing, with you still
alive in them, could be fun, though. Plus, I'd
never hit Patrick...I'd feel like I just beat up
my little sister.
All of a sudden all emotional-