Posted by Diana Death on February 23, 2001 at 18:31:33:
In Reply to: To Diana posted by Natanya on February 23, 2001 at 09:31:37:
My only recent recollection of R.A. is him
: singing country on the phone last year on my
: birthday. Of course, there were no photos
: involved. I will never dial the wrong number
: again!
Oh, that was a cold one, but I laughed
: Diana, what is it you do? (Career, job, school
: ...)
Since you left no email address, I'll have to
resort to using this BBS to respond to your
queries, thus leaving any responses I write open
to scrutiny, misinterpretation, and mockery (so
what else is new?).
I toil daily as a cashier in a thrift store for
minimum wage with no benefits. Lots of
interesting characters shop there, enough to
warrant my writing of odd memoirs. It's like
walking onto the set of a John Waters movie every
morning. But, I was fortunate enough to have met
Stoney and Candy there, guitarist and singer of
SinSin 77, respectively, and have been their
drooling lapdog ever since. Their band fucking
rules, and I cannot stress that enough.
When I'm not wasting large portions of my life
away working for Da Man, I play music in various
groups, most notably with Deadbolt. I'm also a
freelance writer (with emphasis on the "free")
for a few horror publications, writing book and
movie reviews. Oh yeah, and I have a role in an
upcoming low-budget splatter movie called
Gorehounds. I still have to film a scene in
which I commit suicide! Yay! NONE of this shit
pays, but it's a hell of a lot of fun, and makes
life worth living.
School? I'm a two (or is it three?) time
community college dropout. I may or may not make
another attempt at the scholastic life next year,
I haven't yet decided. I've always hated school,
though, since childhood. Terrible student, I am;
the textbook example of a gross underachiever.
And yourself? What are you up to? From Salt
Lake City? Having never been there, I can think
of it only as a very Mormon-infested place
(eeeek! Those people reproduce like it's going
out of style!), and the hometown of one Gary
Gilmore... Sigh... I always get wistful when
thinking of him.