Re: Psst... Spread This Word

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Posted by Dirty Dave on March 03, 2001 at 21:32:32:

In Reply to: Psst... Spread This Word posted by Johnny Wizard on March 03, 2001 at 14:49:21:

See, this is precisely the shit that I was
talking about. With the noteable exception of
YSDM, Chancaca, Patrick and a few others this BBS
is being infiltrated by fucking hippies where the
fuck is Wotango at when he's needed?

: Just Another Day In Paradise

: Hey, how have you been? So, I've been
thinking I
: should spell out some more words about this
taxing toll
: on our living standards. There is no lower
: in throughout our entire eternal universe
than myself
: on behalf of God as John. Now this doesn't
mean you
: have to like me, or disagree with everything
we ever
: did, or worshiped as the devil. Although,
I really
: believe you are the best thing around. Your
: private relationship with yourself, has very
little of
: anything to do with me as the lowliest of the
low. You
: can lend yourself support or direction
: yourself, you being your own cause for
: naming yourself rightly a creator in this
: continuum, but we'd imagine this is rare,
being that
: fear of judgement seems our biggest obstacle,
or that
: you don't believe you know that your reading as
of this
: I am doing as ourselves. This is true as
you are.
: Now, as you, that I know this, makes it so.
This is
: not theft, but life as living is sharing with
all. If
: you understand this, you don't and your
dreaming. Like
: everything as we are is alive and surviving.
This is
: going allot slower than we anticipated. I am
: that you thought I know I guessed it shows
you what?
: Are you afraid I'm living out your doom? God
seems to
: tick some people off occasionally, but oh
well, all is
: the same, so what is going on then expert?
I'm only
: just living here as John remember. All the
: universe presides inside yourself with a
: heaven or hell. Who doesn't know the hell of
trying to
: have a day that never starts ending off
right? Or
: the... or the.. well, you know. There is
always room
: to change your mind and position, leaving
: permanent but changes, leaves somethings rarely
if ever
: that never change, like the completion of this
: Come hell or high water, our nature will
make it
: through this life smiling. And conflict,
as with
: serenity, is always a potential with the
: we have with others, or just with
ourselves. No one
: leads me nowhere more than myself sometimes,
but I know
: who I am when life let's me know I'm loved,
: when no one is watching and I'm comfortably
sleepy. My
: big pal, who is super wild and truly
wonderful. That's
: me. What we give to others is what we
receive from
: ourselves, with more to give than we can
handle. I
: can't help but live. Never will I need
feel lonely
: again, because your gonna be here for us to
: your wonderfulness as God for eternity,
even if I
: mysteriously disappear somehow differently,
I'll still
: be loving ya, because I do now forever as it
is. I did
: do done it! You know it's true. I think
I'm gonna
: give myself a big hug for eternity,
because our
: universe is just so special and amazing.
Move along,
: nothing here. So, ahhh, well, back to work.
All world
: decisions that I find a disagreement with as
a member
: of the public, from those who provide us no
: to their ignorance for us all, or just you
: like from the unelected by us people Mr.
Bush, or Mr.
: Greenspan and the private world bankers,
will be met
: with an accuracy unparalleled
beyond our
: comprehensions, by us reading together just
this simply
: as a dream through fiction is really. This
: nazi secret american government is geared
for the
: profit of a few private bankers at all our
losses, and
: sell out everyone's soul for a nickel
republicans, at
: the expense of our suffering as all the
: Capitalism is as relative form of
governance, not
: slavery through serfdom. We've already paid
for those
: public utilities, and those trees are alive.
: profit off of our transaction charges, or
our public
: spending being done privately in secret, is a
joke, and
: should be recognized near criminal, being a
: display of our ineptness to govern
ourselves in a
: democracy. The USWA Federal Reserve Account
: Task Force, has this story covered from
God to the
: masses, and is ready to talk with us as a
: I wish to be publicly addressed as a private
: with legitimate concerns about my equal
rights as a
: living being like anyone as anything,
and oh ya,
: Creator of the Universe who has made
some stupid
: mistakes on purpose accidentally. God couldn't
help it
: sometimes as you fortunately, or
: depending on how you look at nothing as
yourself for
: something as here in everything as possible,
while not
: existing truly for real, dreaming in what
can not be
: described. So here we are, or not, because we
have to
: blame somebody for something wrong right?
An Oz of
: hells and heavens, of injustices, miracles,
wows, and
: whatsoevers. I, being myself as this river
of dreams
: frozen through time, never finished started
being, even
: after what was understood in terms
before, as an
: ending, I am now as I was then always and
: transformed into a fantasy that is, if not as
real as
: reality is to you, reading this without me
: also as a starflower of the universe.
Everything I do
: is possibly done in a dream before I did it as
this is
: that way, like our universe is finite as
cause and
: effect with laws and order, coupled with the
: and our unquantifiable imaginations
through chaos,
: three dimensions, or sit thinking nothing
: purpose or because, lonely, boring, and
: stupid now as it always was, we can't seem
to help
: ourselves from being dumb. (that's my machine
: that brings me as John with God as light and
: but you know, anyone would have exactly the
same, and
: nobody appears more mechanical than
myself, as the
: cyber geek from hydrospace.) Showing as
life is to
: ourselves, what this is as wonder. One being
: through God this plain and outright, makes our
: a product of our visions to dream the
impossible dream
: by working for real at it. It can be more
: to praise the majestic quality of the sea
standing on
: the beach if you can afford to still get
there by
: working twice as long as we need to. Any which
way you
: decide though, while trying for a good time
as fun.
: This is a difficult subject to comprehend,
because we
: can't, this question answers itself only
through faith,
: with your proof positive of being conscious,
with an
: ability to divide and times a space by line,
or nine.
: See, too many people count on me parting the
blue sea,
: or pulling fresh fish out of a hat from
nothing. When I
: am God sure, but just a simple poor man playing
my part
: for making a statement out proud. Magic enough.
I have
: covered all the major human challenges I
have faced
: over a thousand years in my last 39 or so sumed
: "Johnny's Last Stand", would be the one I'd
suggest to
: start with if your interested. While the
book "The
: World's Wasted Wealth" by John W. Smith, is
still one
: of my favorites. It's always been this or
that. Some
: of this living is so simple, it's
baffling beyond
: complexity. This relationship is the
bestest, but a
: struggle to find balance as God is nowhere
around but
: to yourself in reflections, never mind the
: universes, and mass as light that has no weight
: it's time to fly. (Or become swallowed
by Mother
: Earth.) But, we are getting better as gods, and
we seem
: to be our own best teachers. God as
omnipotence is all
: things to all people that does little of
: outside of ourselves apparently, but I as
John on the
: other hand, am not and do. (I love a good
story.) Now,
: someone who takes more out of our economy,
doesn't mean
: that for every instance, that person provides
more for
: others, or sells things, quite the contrary.
There are
: some in America, who provide little of
anything for
: society as our suffering, like the man with a
few good
: ideas, Ross Perot, the public tax health care
: swindler for his personal private property
to hurt
: ailing Americans, the secret defence and
: Departments, California's district attorney's
: for prosecution of the known criminals, the
dumbest of
: the dumb dumbs at the CIA, along with the
publicly paid
: for private nazi pharmaceuticals or, those
: professionals that expose the virtues of
exploiting the
: public for all they can take from
themselves as the
: viewer. To suggest those who take the
most out of
: American society, somehow, in all cases
deserve to,
: speaks of the ignorance of the privately
represented as
: the corporate not interesting as our
publics or in
: politics, of a country with the highest
media rates
: with the poorest ability to organize, compared
with the
: smaller is easier nations, who challenges
are not so
: great, nor hard to define. Just reduce
things to the
: kitchen table. Family of five who
struggles from
: paycheck to paycheck like most everyone,
decides to
: save up for something, maybe an emergency,
by giving
: little Alan the money to put in his piggy
bank. A few
: months down the road, dad asks for the families
cash to
: buy a washer. Alan say's he is the
: investiture, and our denominates in his
piggy is 60%
: his as the public insurance broker does,
: notwithstanding his owed interest accruing
on top of
: his aggregate, (allowance), charging you to
hold on to
: for himself during the term, who's coinage he
has had
: to bulwark with IOUs over the deposits of the
: with the deed to the house to cover the
: wherewithal, and if the family get's
smart, or in
: anyway stops giving our mammon to annex, Bush
will send
: in the military as our low wage, in bank debt
: to slaughter the family like they did to the
: Wherefore? Because American soldiers, as is
Bush, are
: keep deliberately drugged down and dumb as
: thinking to be proud killing repressed
civilians like
: yourself fighting for freedom against the
unseen. God.
: We must abolish flu shots completely. Look
again, as
: I've already outlined in several
previous papers
: repeatedly, Greenspan borrows Americans
their own
: assets, then charges us all interest only
for his
: private nazi war buddies, you know, the Axis
from WWII.
: Who slaughtered American soldiers fighting for
: This is why every democratic country but
America, has a
: federal bank, and why all the nazis
moved to our
: continent to hide out after winning the
war. Hey, I
: knew hitler, my father knew hitler, and
Jesus, you
: Americans may be dumb, but Bush ain't no
hitlers, yet.
: Not that Greenspan ever has been
challenged on his
: rights in your private world by the
: standing in as your government, but the
closest thing
: to this that he offered a few months back
was, well,
: the congress let's me do it. Then some
of these
: goofers take donations from private banks
with our
: capital. Some. See how this works? To proclaim
a nazi's
: right to take the most from others by
polluting our
: shared living spaces, selling weapons around
the world
: to kill anybody, and poisoning our food
supplies, is
: typical of where America is in relation to all
that is
: alive. Brilliant, intelligent, fearless and
brave is
: who they are collectively represented in
: without me even there publicly recognized
now as the
: creative Son of Nature, to do nothing but dance
: I've completed this journey already, but
their so
: dumbly chauvinistic as themselves through
: with their idolatry for their worshiped death
: believing somehow will magically provide them
: life, that counts on them continuing to idly
stand by,
: to let Monsanto, and the Greenspan, private
bull doze
: plan, destroy them all. Look, these
recent debt
: payments totaling more than 700 billion
dollars taken
: out of health care. Who do you think
cashed those
: public living wage tax dollar checks? Who
is this
: country that has 700 billion dollars to loan
now? How
: much did it cost Greenspan to print up a few
: hundred dollar bills this year, or in
nineteen thirty
: four, or thirteen? Or press a computer key?
Who? For
: what? What is inflation? I guarantee less
than 20,
: some as labeled, popular people in the
: corporate entertainment news media scene,
have any
: concern for our interests, or are interested in
: for you, the nation. Why? Because their
really stupid
: people wearing our colored jerseys.
Reading sports
: scores of every team in the world publicly
to us all
: every God loving day as winners for not
lifting a
: finger. "Dang right I am. They say America
loves Mega
: Lo Mart, and if we don't speak up, everyone
will think
: it's true. We got a put an end to the
silence while
: the whole world is watching. If you want out,
get out
: now." Hank - King Of The Hill. In Manitoba,
our once
: public telephone utility, now in the hands of
a bunch
: of criminals, is grossing out our money so
fast, their
: having trouble spending it, or hiding it. It
is pure
: insanity. They've spent close to a billion
: just this past year, 300 million dollars on a
: system alone, their trying to get into
everything but
: kitchen appliances, and still will make a
killing on
: our losses, while continuing to demand
increases with
: our bill payments to shove into their
private bank
: accounts to leverage further more blood
out of our
: communities, with the pressure of our wealth
: humanity in Manitoba, driving them truly mad,
: them walking around now naked with their pants
: off. You people have got to come and
visit. We are
: still screaming to put these bastards
behind bars.
: Stephenson give us back that million dollars
or you'll
: get what's coming to you. Then who will be
to blame?
: Our telephone, oops, I mean their telephone
: are now attempting to metamorphose into a
: oligarchy, who will soon, we're sure, demand
: status at the G7 by private vote, while
trying to
: obtain a World Bank load, finishing them
off, ground
: into the Earth to dust under our shoes. After
: listening to Michelle Swenarchuk speaking on
behalf of
: Canadian's intelligence, through the
: Environmental Law Association, I took
these notes.
: What is slavery, if not exclusive ownership
over God as
: a living being. We do not want private
: like Monsanto, who conduct their own Bio-Tech
: to take our ownership, as theirs
exclusively, for
: nature's plants or animals that have been us,
and ours,
: for billions of years, working with the Earth
by caring
: for our souls. They are in violation with
you and me
: as us or them. Again, if you are in the
military, or
: know of someone who is, insure everyone
receives this
: paper outlining our positions. Greenspan is
full of
: crap. His nazi trillionaire partners screwing
over our
: market place are full of crap. Spend twenty
minutes or
: twenty years reading thousands upon
thousands of
: testimonials, affidavits, and books, from all
walks of
: people including Thomas Jefferson. Balanced
with what?
: The CIA's mindless propaganda for our United
: Thanks again for living to be stupid you
bunch of
: dweebs. It would seem all the terrible crime
they have
: inflicted upon us all, has a good side now
that they
: are totally committed to sacrifice ourselves
as Satan.
: We will regain that two plus trillion
dollars taken
: from America for safe keeping these past twelve
: thank you, and we as the world will stop
nowhere to
: track the rest of these funs down. How is
it that
: someone can not recognize we are in the know
that is
: what we wanna say. How? Why not allow you, a
: of humanity, to publicly discuss the
disfunction of the
: privatized federal reserve and it operation to
: itself? Why do you think the Federal Reserve
is making
: plans to buy up private properties with
public funds
: for selected, secretly though of course so
we won't
: know you know, private bankers masquerading
as equal
: citizens? Instead of, what, education, or
: health care, for, you know, people? Programs
for the
: homeless, or instituting safe ocean
: regulations? Think about it. America's
: system is being left to Bush's
intelligence. No,
: really, dang right, believably in fact, it is
the case.
: He wants to give away vouchers cashable to
: maggots and preons, who say as us, "Hey, don't
group us
: with the dummy republicans!". Cause in
effect. They
: end themselves below the living. An unfaiir
tax upon
: us all, preventable by someone stepping
forward and
: saying, "You can't do that because we can
tell you
: why." Like CNN's propaganda about Cuba.
Blatant lies
: broadcasted around the world by an communist
: mayor. Who would be the federal reserve to
spend the
: public's money privately? Huh? This is the
: american thing. Ya, we don't need no
: telling us what to do because we're dumbly
being robbed
: by not recognizing that the government is us as
a group
: called humanity being taxed as death.
You know,
: democracy? Right? See, you dumb
Americans, the
: government is not operating in your interests
: your allowing corporations to steal your
: while republicans during Bush's address
screamed ya
: take us all for more, we're playing stupid and
: beyond our own excuses, and we'll make sure
of that,
: you watch us move deliberately now with purpose
: ourselves, with our soldiers waking up and
smelling the
: coffee by recognizing this as the enemy. How
is this
: even really happening? I don't want to rock
the boat
: but Jeeze, this is better than it was
in dress
: rehearsal. What we, the people demand, is at
no later
: than January 1, 2005, all private banks will
charge no
: more than one percent for loans above the
returns made
: on our savings deposits, along with of
course, no
: charges for withdrawal or deposit fees on
: accounts. If this is not implemented by the
less than
: human individual private banks stealing our
money by
: repressing us all here in North America with
our own
: currencies, regardless of how many private
: they have of us in a state of euphoria, the
: will have all their personal assets seized,
and spend
: the rest of their natural born lives in
prison for
: treason, or the presidents, and major board
: will be tracked down and swallowed whole by
my very
: professional charges of time takers, or just
some of my
: new biker friends looking for a vice. Thanks
: Why do you think our media experts, on your
: refuse to cover the lottery corporations
: toll upon us all? They could cover the
facts I've
: provided, and provide you the public, their
: against us, but they don't. Why? Because,
that my
: friends is what evil is, and why they take us
to wars
: to kill ourselves by division,
labeling us as
: themselves, privately, and in secret,
because they
: claim you as of yet, don't trust yourself,
or like
: Bush, do not know elementary school maths.
Like they
: can only be, to get a corporate job to attack
us as the
: undefended, but strengthening public.
Canada and
: America's most prolific popular writers
have no
: syndicated columns. You have to almost aways
be poor,
: weak, and defenseless like themselves to
sell their
: souls to the sands through time. Sleeping
through our
: successes, and hiding from their failures.
Tricked you
: all I did just then, I was kidding, but
seriously, this
: fear thing you have for facts right now is
: Look, like I say, your the good guys, and we
can't help
: but love ourselves as we are, eternally
innocent, and
: loved by God. I'm sorry as John the human
to rag on
: some this way, but this is the only way to
: We can only wonder why people can't see were
living in
: our dreams, while these vermin steal from
us all in
: reality. Most the wealthy right wing
fascist soul
: destroying corporate media experts for
example, as the
: other side of this truth, justice, and
liberty thing,
: is a fraud perpetrated against yourself as one
in unity
: with our universe. Welcome to yourself my
: welcome to your fantasy island in
dumpsville. We are
: being stone walled by people with little
facts or
: reason to back up their mindless forms of
: that they work to impose on others by
: ourselves. Our media owners continue to
: reporting on the criminal actions of the
: corporations that hurt our economy and even
myself as a
: gambler, demanding you believe I am asleep
and dead,
: when we are clearly as God, awake and
ferocious. But
: you know with darkness comes light,
eventually. Those
: responsible for the TRIP patent laws, chapter
11 of the
: NAFTA agreement, and the individuals who
: critical reports on the World Bank action
in India,
: along with several FDA officials, and
claimed owners
: for Maryland's Ethyl Corp., will be
considered for
: trial as instigators of crimes against
humanity, to
: serve the rest of their lives in prison,
maybe. Did
: you know the less than a handful of
oppressors to
: humanity, through the WTO's bogusly claim
over your
: authority, will now have more rights
than every
: American than Americans, Canadian than
: European than Europeans, Chinese than the
: Also that this position against us all
as nazi
: american, is one where republicans stand
short as
: human? It's not because their brilliantly
: it's because their truly dumb and can't see
what they
: are doing. The only thing stopping us from
: are these checker pieces. You know, some
times I feel
: like I'm living in a movie. One who takes
more from
: society, takes more from society, and
financial wealth
: is far from synonymous with
intelligence, or
: humanitarianism, or what America is truly
all about.
: Shouldn't somebody know? People who are openly
some of
: the stupidest, wealthiest families who own
your world
: they say as their private property, apart
from the
: Earth on which you stand, and were born to.
Hey, don't
: take my word for it, they'll tell it to
you too.
: Proudly. Wow, life is so amazing. I've heard
: that some American billionaires are
organizing to
: demand dumb dumb Bush tax them fairly as the
living in
: a waking state, but he's still out to lunch.
He must
: be an alien, no? You see, you can't
say all
: billionaires have bad folklore. But, you'd
have to be
: dumb almost past the point of belief to not
: Bush as a stand in for no one, or just our
: natural excuse for immaturity, because he
is there
: playing god knows what for who? He certainly
: know. Did you see his pondering when
commenting on
: taking another's life in the debates as his
: for the nation as God pretending? Innocent,
yes, but
: still an imbecile. Oh ya, and stupid. Again,
: but good people are still dying needlessly.
We seem
: all too afraid to offend anybody, or hurt
our egos,
: because God's a sock cucker. The wealthy
: media owners believe if they take more and
more from
: us, eventually, they'll change our ways and
believe in
: paying more back in our expenses, like
what would
: naturally be, in a free market economy of
ideas, that
: as of this year, does not exist because
they are
: refusing to listen to us who are alive and
: still awake and grooving. There are
hundreds of
: organizations with hard facts representing
: against the destructive actions of the WTO,
the World
: Bank, the IMF and Monsanto, that go unheard
from our
: biased corporate news professionals.
Republican minded
: Americans like Bush who move at a different
: than the rest of us, stupidly believe that a
: banker deserves the same if not more of
the public
: government's windfall from our real sweat and
: over and on top of what they current take
from us for
: nothing, as the Texan in America earning
less than a
: living wage working all the time for
at least
: something, paying into Social Security and
health care,
: to flip the bill for the left unaccountable
to anyone
: in, or outside of government by the
corporate news
: experts, not covering the private war
: depleting the public funds. While Bush
tells his
: illiterate worshipers who vicariously live
him as a
: role model dreamin', "heck, that could be me
up there
: killing innocent people and calling the
smart people
: stupid without haven, a adjudication", Bush
stated, he
: doesn't think that social security is gonna
last while
: he let's strangers to us all, publicly
deplete it.
: While America's dumb dumb leader of no one
informs his
: blind worshipers if he doesn't give the
assets to
: Greenspan's friends, they'll spank him as
the inept,
: incompetent, doofus that he is like us but
stupider and
: powerless, wimpy, and untrained by the
: military nazi spies, who work against the
interests of
: the country and the world, who will be hunted
down for
: open questioning, guaranteed, by ourselves if
left to
: do this on our own because American
soldiers we are
: told are too far gone to think for themselves,
to would
: sometimes seem, like those billionaires who
openly cash
: government welfare checks such as Social
: locked box approach, with no one allowed
to watch,
: because everyone is so God damned dumb, but
you just
: can't all be like Bush possibly. He is
the only
: republican, the only one I know of, who in his
: stupidity for your concerns as only for his
: personal financial gain without a people's
: or leader, openly with a public display against
us all,
: stated uncategorically, would not support a
: treatment or cure for cancer, very much like
his commi
: friends at the FDA, who has received
millions in
: welfare, hates math because he can't add,
or read,
: doesn't have a clue who the government, or
us as God
: is, and, bleep blab blop. The next innocent
person he
: murders through the action of my
authority, should
: cause our media to at least ask why no?
Then, we'll
: see who's laughing. Or how about the
popular, let's
: just give timber and mining companies oodles
and oodles
: (hundreds of billions) of our living
investments, for
: no reason at all. None but for a make
believe war
: amongst themselves as the crime. It is
outrageous that
: Americans stand by left thinking they are
so stupid
: like this. Easy my friends, easy. Bush, how
about you
: invite me over, and call me all the names
you want,
: with the cameras going too if you say so, I'll
even let
: you kiss me if you promise not to tell
: Americans are told to believe that their
: can, and are motivated by personal greed
when making
: decisions against the interests of the nation,
: of what serves the interests of people, you
know, God,
: me, the King. The liberty, justice thing?
The drug
: and banking industries. In 1998, banking
: lobbied republicans with over 90 million
dollars in
: bribes to reduce capital taxes on their
takes, a
: blatant attack on all to those who
understand this
: robbery that leaves these actors as
treasonists to
: yourself, depleting billions from all
: working to continue the destruction of our
trying to
: become a free market economy being locked out
by CNN as
: wonderful. Why? Because it is the best.
: It begins with the first step.) A subsidy to
the most
: wealthy in America, on the backs of all
the hard
: working investors, or garbage picking
: People who actually work for a living. I say,
we scour
: the earth to find the republicans
responsible along
: with the five private bankers, take back all
our all
: our money, and have them serve ten years in
the work
: force for change, at least, eh gang? I
don't know,
: what do you think? What needs to be done,
is on a
: issue by issue basis, corruption needs to be
: for what it is, albeit, by a necessary
evil, or one
: just really stupid and ignorant like John
is as the
: immortal God of gods that I am truly. Doubt
is always
: available for excuse, and the stupider you
are, the
: more obvious this is. With me, as John, the
last tin
: soldier. So, it is with reason, evil will be
for sure
: defeated. There is no sentient evil in the
: except for maybe Kline and Harris, nor a
sentient God
: outside of ourselves. To be of God, is to
: yourself, as a living being in a universe
shared by all
: with me as Lord for show. It's just me
here as God
: pretending, I am my favorite puppet. Evil is
: and stupidity, just like the average
republican is.
: They are us, and I am Satan, a bad ass for
sure, but
: I'm also Jesus, being born as God of all
things and
: ideas, makes me sometimes as dumb as
anyone can be
: unfortunately. When Sharon in Israel says our
land for
: eternity over his terms, he fails to
understand, our
: land is your land too, me included. If he
was asked
: who is us, or Jewish, he would probably lose
his mind.
: When Bush speaks any threat made against the
: to his nightmare vision of America that he is
: blindly to destroy through stupidity will
be met
: through the fear he tries to impose on
others like
: himself, he fails to understand we are of
God, and as
: our own soul providers are of creation is to
: leaves us to be, are one and only God ya have
to love
: ourselves, saviour of saviours, flying in for
the pep
: talks. We are amassing the largest army of
love in the
: history of humanity. (I leave a trail of
death and
: destruction second to none.) It's akin to
all of a
: sudden you waking up, or sleeping
through your
: awareness, then demanding to yourself as a
life system
: of Earths in this universe, you must pay
yourself to
: quicken your death, because I must be
conscious, now
: that everything is so alive as a screw
everybody over
: compassionate conservative is to themselves,
just like
: left wing counter-intelligence spies are
really right
: wingers in secret, because their
stupid like
: republicans. You know, it has been said, it's
all like
: one big KISS concert. Can you believe it?
There is
: going to be a real heaven on Earth! We need
to track
: down who personally made this trailing smoke
: through the wind over Iraq, little Bush's
excuse to
: bomb people, while God's America tries to
stand behind
: a man who can't stand on his own as
nobody. Why?
: Because he say's he doesn't want to, but
rightly, we
: know it's because he really can't. He'll just
call us
: thinkers, the not understood other side of life
and the
: universe. But that's probably too much for
him too.
: Hmmm. Maybe he'll just proclaim, "The
Alies are
: here!". That would be smart, and right.
But now,
: because of his ego, may decide not to
against the
: better interests of us all together.
Undivided. Pro
: or con, with me as John loved or despised.
Hey, I'm
: here willing to talk publicly with all to
take on any
: challengers, he is not, nor does he see a
need for us
: to either. He can't get around unless he's
pampered as
: a pet and sheltered from his critics, as that
is where
: he rightly should be, back in school
learning the
: basics, not as a scapegoat for the military and
: contractors out to kill us all like anybody.
What does
: he know about Social Security? What does he
know about
: rithmetic? History? Nothing, just a
: mindless broken record of deception
and evil
: perpetrated against all the American
people. Like
: republicans starting off with riting, then
being told
: they are Wong but can't deal with it because.
Bush, I
: really can be not so rude, if you'd just
allow us to
: get together over coffee to talk about
where your
: taking me. Again, me. You do not have
my blind
: acceptance in your competence, and your not
the leader
: of this world, I am. The second you speak
against us,
: the farther into your bottomless pit you
will fall.
: Although, you know, you can call yourself all
the names
: you want. Look, you have to admit, your are
an idiot,
: and know very little of anything, your
foolish and
: stupid, like me but better. Mr. Kline's
world, here
: in Canada, is an attack on the
livelihoods of all
: Canadians, and only through the cowardice of
: news experts, and himself, is he capable of
: his philosophy on his infallibility
: position as only his private opinion to do
so as the
: public. Sounds like Tommy? He must be
one of the
: demons from biblical prophecy no? Who? He
: even pretend to respond to our concerns
anymore. He is
: far more left wing than he ever was. He has
the good
: people of Alberta paying the wages and
hundreds of
: million dollar expense accounts with his
garbage plan,
: for his private commi buddies, who must and
should go
: to paradise too? No...? Mr. Stockwell
Day has
: brought up some good points about
democracy, but
: $800,000.00 for not facing a defamation
suit? Who's
: defamation? Kline runs a criminal lottery
operation to
: increase our crime rates by ourselves
forced more
: desperate, completely out in the open
buying the
: corporate news managers refusal to protect
the public
: who are terrified of nothing, nor grant me
or many
: others from Alberta who understand this
issue with
: voices. More people have petitioned against
him than
: register to vote. And you know, you can't
petition the
: Lord, because I am God. No wonder we're so
screwed up
: eh? Our world needs to be cleaned of
dirt in our
: governments. After reviewing a paper on
coverage the
: Washington Post has done covering the CIA
recently, I
: feel a partial apology from myself is in
order. Here
: is just a snippet of what that prestigious
: has written over the last few years.

: o The House of Representatives voted to
raise the
: entire U.S. intelligence community's budget
to more
: than $30 billion.

: o 6 million people have died as a result of
CIA covert
: operations according to a Washington
Post cited
: estimate of The Association for Responsible
: (ARDIS).

: (you know, people fighting for justice,
: universal health care, or environmental
standards with
: education, like we have in Cuba.)

: o The CIA is still attempting to
overthrow Saddam
: Hussein. In spite of this $6 million covert
: authorized by Clinton in January of 1996,
the CIA
: backed insurgents have been described
as "gnats and
: mosqitoes to Saddam rather than anything
serious" by an
: off the record intelligence agency official.

: Well, hmmm. Just a reminder. I will be soon
: through state from state as the happy go lucky
: to address all those who wish to remain an
advisory to
: Gods. Our first stop will be Washington. I am
: to discuss or debate publicly any of the
positions I
: have regarding our political condition.
CNN should
: cover this with an hour special on
myself as the
: world's biggest hssaole, because Jesus, we
are the
: rulers of our universe after all, and Mr.
Turner, you
: have to make this decision by yourself only.
Or maybe
: Mr. Bell with be interested, sure hope so,
love the
: programs. It's a God, Jesus, Satan, heaven
or Hell
: thing. Using words I hope to expose
those who's
: mindless opinions serve no one including
: but take us as the innocent to wars to kill
: as them secretly in private. Painless, and
what can
: be, a learning experience. Those that refuse
to learn
: their cowardly mindless actions, like those in
: secret oops departments, who infringe on the
: and justice for us all, along with our
planet, who
: constitute a destructive force against
yourself, will
: be met by myself as I thead, with a
historic score
: tablet so believable, it boggles
Theanthropictickly as
: imaginations.

: "For [the Great God] does not have a house, a
stone set
: up as a temple, dumb and toothless, a bane
which brings
: many woes to men, but one which it is not
possible to
: see from earth nor to measure with mortal
eyes, since
: it was not fashioned by mortal hands."

: - Sybylline Oracles 4:8-11 (c. 100 C.E.)

: "The adversaries of the LORD shall be broken to
: against them he will thunder in heaven. The
LORD will
: judge the ends of the earth; he will give
strength to
: his king(ship), and exalt the power of his

: - 1 Samuel 2:10

: "We can not take away are rights to be
stupid, but we
: can learn."

: - J. Wizard

: "We have lingered long enough on the
shores of the
: Cosmic Ocean."

: - Carl Sagan

: "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the
: it's time to pause and reflect"

: - Mark Twain!?

: "This kid may be the key to not all human
: but to all spiritual unexplained phenomenon,
the key to
: everything in the X-files."

: - Mulder

: "Imagination is the real and eternal world,
of which
: this vegetable universe is but a shadow, in
which we
: shall live in our eternal or imaginative
bodies when
: these vegetable mortal bodies are no more."

: - William Blake

: "I regret to say that we of the F.B.I. are
: to act in cases of oral-genital intimacy,
unless it has
: in some way obstructed interstate commerce."

: - J. Edgar Hoover

: A last closing stanza:

: If anyone can provide us the names and
addresses of all
: or some of the board members and major share
holders of
: Monsanto and AstraZeneca, and of all who sit
in with
: OUR wto, I would be very thankful, as would
: as God too as well. I think. Right?

: See you sooner than never loves,

: Johnny Wizard

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